The Theatre Organ Club

Club News

Daphne Atkin
We are sorry to report the death, at the age of 87, of our very good friend Daphne Atkin. Many will remember Daphne who, along with husband Eric, ran TOC South for many years, organising events and producing News South.
Daphne’s reports were unique and it was obvious from reading them that she thoroughly enjoyed the music and wasn’t too bothered about the make of organ or how many pipes it had, but she did appreciate how well the music was played and presented and above all she understood the importance and value of entertainment to encourage people to come and listen to the music and not necessarily the organ on which it was played.
She and Eric also attended as many events as they could, and Eric’s three-wheeled Reliant Robin was a familiar sight up and down the country, he later progressed to four wheels, much to Daphne’s relief.
Those who knew Daphne will know she didn’t talk non-stop organs and she had a keen sense of humour of which Eric was often the butt.
We hadn’t seen much of her in recent years as she was living in a care home in Somerset but she continued to receive News South.
We send condolences to her family.